Germany Time 11:11

VDWS International

VDWS Rescue Training

A prerequisite for obtaining the VDWS instructor licence is the DLRG bronze certificate, a certificate from an internationally recognised lifeguard organisation or the VDWS Rescue Seminar.

The VDWS Rescue Seminar consists of two parts:

1. Rescue

In the rescue part, the aim is to teach and train the rescue skills required to save a windsurfer, kitesurfer, sailor, SUP or Wing rider in distress. Various scenarios are played out on the water, in which the victims and the sports equipment are rescued from the water and brought ashore.

Practical skills and theoretical knowledge are trained in realistic scenarios and practical sessions to enable first aiders to act correctly in an emergency on the water.

- Approach / rescue / transport / storage of victims (swimming / by board / by motorboat)

- Procedures for different victims (cramps / frostbite / overheating / unconsciousness, ...)

- Communication / coordination / self-evaluation / risk management in emergencies

2. Swim test

The ability to swim must be demonstrated by an examination.

"Run-Swim-Run" test: 200 m run on land / 200 m swim / 200 m run on land (max. 11 min.)

Polocrawl: 50 m polocrawl in 50 sec. in the calmest possible water

Necessary equipment

You should bring a wetsuit, shoes and warm clothing suitable for the weather on land and in the water!


The seminar takes 2 days.