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VDWS International

Kiteboarding Instructor Level 3

Level 3 Kiteboarding Instructor Courses are the right choice for all of our Level 2 Instructors who like to take their teaching and own kiteboarding skills to a higher level. During those courses, we focus on the technique of intermediate and advanced kiteboarding manouvers and how to teach them professionally. 

Level 3 Instructors are kiteboarding experts with a very high own riding level and a deep understanding for complex movements. Their methodical skills and experience make them the true experts on the beach!


For the course:

  • VDWS instructor license
  • VDWS membership
  • Advanced kitesurfing skills
  • teaching experience

For the license qualification:

  • practical exam at the end of the Level 3 Instructor seminar

Please note:
Even if you don't have a sufficient level yet and haven't mastered the topic of the training (yet), you are still welcome to participate. Your participation will then be considered as a license extension (and not as a Level 3 completion!).

Duration:  2 days

Price: 200 € 

Extra costs: travel expenses, accommodation, equipent rental

Course contents

Depending on the seminar topic, the following topics are weighted differently.

  •  Improving one's own riding skills
  • Use of methods in advanced training
  • Use of digital media in training
  • Organisation in intermediate lessons or in special courses
  • Concrete training of individual manoeuvres or techniques
  • Improvement of own demonstration skills
  • Deepening of material knowledge and reference to ascender equipment
  • Deepening of the physical basics
  • Extending didactic knowledge for advanced training 

Each of the Level 3 Instructor Seminars concludes with a practical examination on the respective topic of the 2 days.


Topics Level 3 Seminars

Level 7 of the VDWS Basic Licence System

Course contents:
Analysis and teaching of different manoeuvres from the intermediate lessons such as: High Jumps, Backroll, Riding Toeside, Transition Jump, ... Alternative orga forms / rescue techniques with the kite. 


Within 10 minutes, the following 5 upwind maneuvers must be performed: Toeside riding on an upwind course (at least 1 line length), transition jump, backroll, loaded jump (e.g., Raley, ...), choose one maneuver from the following: inverted jump, darkslide, kiteloop, 1-footer, or board-off. All maneuvers must be performed downwind within a radius of ½ line length around a fixed point (e.g., a buoy). No Go’s: general safety errors, errors during takeoff/landing, forgetting to check clearance, maneuvers on the windward side.

Strapless/waveboard experience

Course contents:
Analysis, development and exemplary introduction to e.g. waterstart, jumpstart, jibe, turn, foot change, backside. Implementation with the other participants / material knowledge, board transport, board repair. 


Demonstrative demonstration of the jibe with foot change and the quick turn in the triangle course.

Directional and strapless kiting
Foil experience

Course contents:
Course framework Foil beginner course / reciprocal coaching / methodical teaching skills / equipment, trimming and physical background / techniques and manoeuvres.

Triangle course- the course will be circumnavigated with gybes and turns on the outside. One manoeuvre may be performed in displacement.


Dates VDWS Kiteboarding Instructor Level 3

bookable bookable few places few places waiting list waiting list
Date: 09/05 - 09/06/2024
Deutsch Niederländisch
Makkum, Holland

A strong partner worldwide

There are more then 500 watersportcenters in more then 30 countrys in the world. The VDWS consists of more then 5700 members, watersports instructors, school owners and center managers. Since the foundation in 1974 we were able to spread the fascination in windsurfing, kitesurfing, wingfoiling, sailing and stand up paddling to more then 3 million watersports beginners!


Do you have any questions?

Our headoffice team is happy to help you!

Call us under + 49 (0)881 - 9311-0

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We are looking forward to hear from you!


Center Management          Supervisor