Germany Time 11:13

VDWS International

Internship Supervisor

Additional qualification for all experienced Level 2 instructors who are eager to pass on their extensive teaching experience to aspiring VDWS instructors.

  • Level 2 Instructor in your sport
  • At least 25 basic licenses registered in your sport in the VDWS Checkpoint
  • Completion of the VDWS e-learning course "Internship Supervisor" (including examination)
    Price: €50.00 including VAT
    Registrations by email to

To obtain the license, regular participation in a VDWS further training course is necessary (every three years), as well as proof of at least 10 basic licenses registered in your sport per year in the VDWS Checkpoint.

The internship is part of the VDWS instructor training. Prerequisite for admission is the successful participation in the training course, the passing of the teaching exam and the membership in the VDWS.

The internship lasts at least 21 days or 100 hours (for SUP: 50 hours) and should mainly consist of teaching activities under supervision of the instructor. It should be completed within one season and if possible, without interruption.

The trainee will keep a report booklet on the contents of the internship, which will be handed out and discussed during the instructor training course. The exact procedure of the internship and all formalities are described in the internship booklet.

Registration must take place before the beginning of the internship. Internships which are not registered will not be recognised. The VDWS instructor licence level 2 will only be issued after the internship has been successfully completed.

Internship center:

An internship can only be completed at a VDWS center "entitled to train trainees". Interns are supervised by a teacher with a valid internship licence (supervisor).

The choice of the internship place is made by the applicant independently. Early contact with the school and the responsible trainer is recommended. The agreement on working hours, remuneration and other benefits will be arranged with the water sports school. For the time of the internship, the interns are to be granted an appropriate remuneration.

If a second training licence is acquired, a further internship is waived if at least 6 months of professional experience can be proven with the first licence.

VDWS-watersport assistants, who complete the internship at the same training school, can have the internship reduced by up to 50% (50 hours). If the internship takes place at a foreign school, it can be reduced by 20% (80 hrs.)

Dates VDWS Internship Supervisor Seminar

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Date: 01/01 - 12/31/2024
Deutsch Englisch
ONLINE SEMINAR: VDWS Supervisor/Praktikumsbetreuer
Windsurfing Kitesurfing Sailing SUP Wingfoiling / Praktikum / Supervisor Lizenzverlängerung / Licence Renewal
Online Seminar

A strong partner worldwide

The VDWS consists of more than 540 water sports stations in over 35 countries. More than 4500 members, watersport instructors, school owners and center managers. Since our foundation in 1974, we have introduced more than 3 million water sport beginners to the fascination of windsurfing, kiteboarding, catsailing, sailing and SUP!

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